A big thank you to everyone at this event from the organisers to the Burger chef and all the attendees. To those whom set up camp with us and those bar conversations. The netherlander whom recued the 'bretta along with those who stopped to see if we needed help. So many new friends to meet so little time.... Cheers till next year! Ratty
Finished electric plumbing and wrapped pipes to prevent thigh burn! Now have to wait till the kick start monkey is crated up and dropped round with a gallon of gas to fire up the LymVagasFlyer!
But mine is sunny, SM popped in on two wheels so what a choice get out and ride or start work in the shop?... I know lets do both. World is fixed over breakfast and now I get to work on the LVF, so you see i've got a sunny saturday!
A sign that others are working hard else where! But tonight the LVF was returned to the production central, saving the rat from building stud walls! This picture, Cash$$$$, Todo list rests on the XS project for Sales and Marketing with keys, lets look forward to wiring the LVF for starting.
Fixing clutch, don't mention BSA V's Triumph three and four springs... Early closing and doin the right thing, well just servicing and foot rest cam of in me hand Guv! Customs. Life just ain't worth livin' without one!
As Mrs RAT is out today, just got round to fettling the clutch on rats ride, but think i have found the issue BSA C15 clutches have 25 roller bearings not the 24 I have!