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Friday, 19 April 2013

Fab Fridays

Day off work... been productive machined rear brake fittings and welded into position...

Thursday, 18 April 2013

No dust during this phase

Mock up for wheel position, this involved a number of cups of tea, lots of detailed plan formulation and ended up with a lend of a short motor. It's always a great time with my friend and engine builder

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Dummy seat

Spurned on by a visit to a fellow builder to pay my debit, checkout his fabrication on his oil bag! I mocked up my seat pan. Glad I have not brought one yet as It may not look as I wished! Just to say its better to build it yourself than pop out and buy it like the masses.... That's custom fabrication......

Monday, 8 April 2013


Luck enough to have time off to go to breakfast with a fellow builder, talking shop and what up I mention I am going to buy my tyres this week, he say's got some in stock that are to modern for me... Well what do you know...... Just the ticket.
The first vision...

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Buy quality parts... Or spend 4 hours on your back to smash them and then drive down to but OEM, job complete I'm under 1 hour